This usually means the original carrier of the ported number or numbers has not received the Porting request or has not acted on it. This occassionaly happens since the porting requested is sent out to all related carriers, but they did not make the updates or chages on their side. This allows an inbound call to go to both the old location and your new SVS customer.
To solve this problem:
We can ask the carrier to re-broadcast the porting telephone numbers (TN). However to do so, we will need some call examples for each line. Please call the numbers from a local phone and re-produce the issue. Please provide us with the following:
The number called from and the number you are calling.
The time of the call.
We need an call example (steps 1 & 2 above) for each of the porting Telephone Numbers.
Secondly, verify the porting TNs on your PBX to make sure they are not being forwarded to the old location?
Upon receipt of the call examples, we can ask the carrier to re-broadcast the porting TNs.
The End user should also call the old or losing carrier to confirm the changes have been requested and made.