This is usually due to internet bandwidth or a delay in one of the routes from your location to the Strategic Voice Solutions network.
Strategic Voice Solutions is hosted at an extremely reliable and diverse routed internet backbone and these issues rarely happen on our side. If this does happen on our side, it is usually part of a much broader issue effecting large cities or even multiple states. In these rare cases you will see email alerts from Strategic Voice Solutions.
The majority of issues are related to internet bandwidth. Under normal conditions, you would not have problems when you have a 1mbps link and a single call which is using about 90kbps of bandwidth. But when you have additonal users with phones and computers, there may be problem areas which would effect any voice or video application but only slow down web site applications like browsing a news site.
- Do you have enough bandwidth from your Internet provider to begin with?
- How much do they give you for Upload bandwidth? remember that phones require the same 90kbps of bandwidth in upload and download at the same time.
- Do you have multiple PCs, laptops or Tablets on the same network?
- Could one of these other devices be downloading large files, using high traffic applications like YouTube?
- Can you pinpoint a particular time this happens?
- Do you have computers downloading large files locally on your LAN?
- Do you have any kind of bandwidth management appliances on your network?
- Do you have any type of application on your computer that might use large amounts of Internet bandwidth in the background?
It is best to check these possible issues first before contacting the Strategic Voice Solutions support team.
Please check your Internet connections with the following free 3rd party service: