When you call someone, they say they are not seeing your Caller ID, but some strange number and/or caller ID name. This can happen if you do not set your outbound CALLER ID in the Strategic Voice Solutions system for your phone or device. This means the CALLER ID will be defaulted to "Anonymous". In this case, when a carrier receives the call from us and see's the "Anonymous" Caller ID setting in many cases they will substitute a CALLER ID number/name. The reason they do this is simply a financial and billing issue on their end. When they send the call down the line, if they do not have the caller ID, they get charged a higher rate to terminate the call, so they inject a know Caller ID number/name. In other cases, they send to a low quality route which costs them less and is usually less reliable for voice quality and possible DTMF issues.

"Anonymous" should not be confused with a Caller ID Block. This is very different since a block still passes the proper CALLER ID information, but when it reaches the called party, it is not displayed.