The Strategic Voice Solutions voicemail and alert servers are based on the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) zone. When voicemail or alerts are sent to your email client, under normal conditions the email received time in your email client will display with your current local time received. When you open up the email you will see the sent time and date stamp based on GMT time zone. This is normal and expected.

If you would like to change this:

Default Settings: In this case, any newly created PBX (AKA Domain) will have the following default settings.  These settings will ensure that a user receives emails from a generic “From” name and all emails are sent with timestamps relative to the timezone of the user's PBX.

 email setting pbx


Legacy Settings: (for compatibility with legacy email handling). In this case, emails are sent by the system SMTP server with timestamps set to UTC time. Any domain email settings utilizing legacy email handling should be updated to the default settings depicted above. This can done by updating the "Select SMTP Server" option to "PBX Timezone".

 email setting gmt


Custom Settings: Custom settings are used in cases where it is preferred to use an outside SMTP server for relaying messages. In this case set “From” name, email account, SMPT account password and SMTP server host name for the server and then select “User Defined SMTP Server” from the from the drop down selector as shown below. Important Note: Encrypted (TLS) SMTP connections are not supported with custom settings.


 email setting custon