
Network Related questions

Does Strategic Voice Solutions use NTP time synchronization
Yes, we utilize NTPD on our servers which point to stratum 1 internet time servers from the   *The Network Time Protocol daemon (ntpd) is an ...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:21 AM
I am unable to register more than 1 or 2 SIP phones or softphones in a single location
If you can register your devices one by one, but not all of them individually, typically this is a Router problem. Many inexpensive or low end routers a...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:22 AM
What is the recommended bandwidth requirements for Strategic Voice Solutions
Each SIP phone requires approximately 90kbps of bandwidth to be available in both directions at the same time. This is called full duplex. Many Internet...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:25 AM
Can I use dial-up internet modem service with Strategic Voice Solutions
No, Dial up modem service cannot provide enough bandwidth for VoIP applications.
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:26 AM
My phones will not register with a MicroTik router
The SIP ALG in the MicroTIK router must be disabled. This must be done from the router command line interface with the following command: ip firewall ...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:27 AM
Email time stamp and date stamp for voicemails and alerts
The Strategic Voice Solutions voicemail and alert servers are based on the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) zone. When voicemail or alerts are sent to your email...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:30 AM
What ports should I prioritize in my firewall or router for the Strategic Voice Solutions service
UDP PORTS 49152-64512 are what Strategic Voice Solutions listens on.  The entire range should be prioritized.
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:31 AM
There is a 1 to 2 second delay when I answer the phone and the caller connects
This is indicative of delayed packet transmission. When a call is answered, the phone sends a “200 OK” message, part of which opens an audio path. If this...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:33 AM
How can I tell if SIP ALG is turned on and affecting SIP phones
When SIP ALG is turned on in many cases you will see the SIP phone rings but you cannot answer the call. Another side effect is the SIP Phone will show re...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:34 AM
How to program Ubiquiti Edge Router for Quality of Service (QoS)
Readers will learn how to set QoS parameters for VoIP applications using the EdgeRouter. These instructions assume: eth0 is your connection to the ...
Sat, 2 Jul, 2016 at 10:36 AM